Okay, so just got back from uni and today we've had a visual design test. Apparently a few of the feedback assessments didn't go so well and people have been very worried about the feedback they have received, should they be? Possibly, probably, I mean, people seem upset that they have been asked to do 'more', "that's the only feedback I got", boo hoo, at the end of the day its feedback, the tutors probably have many reasons why 'more work' is the feedback they are giving, to be honest doing 'more work' should just be an obvious given, we are on this course because we all have artistic skills, and if its not obvious that any skill will be improved by doing more of that thing then, I really don't know, you can't be helped!
Chris told us that we were going to have a one hour test, of drawing and rendering from a still life, and everybody seemed to shit themselves! I think today is one of the first day's I've gotten into class on a Wednesday and not been the first one in there, there was already like 10 people in there drawing. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, that's awesome, but why were people worried? Jesus, we were drawing from a still life! that should be easy, laid back and fun, we're drawing shit everyday, and people start panicking because we have a 'test'. All we were asked to do is to do something we do, hopefully, every single day. Oh my!
Nuff said.
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