Jack of
all trades, master of none?
Its a question on many of the students minds right now, especially after this year. After a number of guest lectures from industry professionals and the group projects, lots of ideas and advice are being constantly thrown about on the specific roles available, specifically within the games industry.
Its a question on many of the students minds right now, especially after this year. After a number of guest lectures from industry professionals and the group projects, lots of ideas and advice are being constantly thrown about on the specific roles available, specifically within the games industry.
Now is a
better time than ever to start thinking about life’s next direction
though, believe it or not the future is just around the corner every
day, it keeps coming like a relentless, heartless, impatient bitch.
Regardless of this, a few years ago I found out the hard way, that no
matter how hard you work and plan for the future, sometimes it can
throw something completely different at you and you find yourself all
of a sudden picking your plans up out of the trash. It might not
always deliver negative results though, and as most people will tell
you who have experienced this, often, when one door closes another
opens, and probably the best advice I could give you now is to pick
up as many of the pieces as you can, take them with you through the
new door, and although things might not turn out exactly as you had
hoped, you might be pleasantly surprised. One of my favourite sayings
is, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. I'm no stranger
to making the best of what life throws at you, and at the end of the
day, what other option is there?
this positivity I wont lie that I have many worries about what my
future holds, despite feeling confident with my artistic abilities
and the fact that I would be a great asset to any team, I have no
doubts that aiming for, and sticking at a full time job along side my
caring role at home would be a struggle. But I also have no delusions
that I’m not the only person who has to deal with personal
struggles, and the most important thing is never to stop trying to
overcome them. Last year, a guest lecture from Mitch Small of
Codemasters, really gave me a moral boost, because of one thing he
said. Basically, he told us that as much as thinking about our
immediate futures in the games industry, we needed to stop worrying
that if we miss an opportunity now another wont come along
eventually, and he assured us that life will always continue to throw
new opportunities at you, I think the most important thing is that I
need to be patient, what ever happens, happens. Que
certain times this year has been hard for me. A few weeks ago a few
members of the Lockwood art studios gave a guest lecture and were
also offering placements and freelance work, and I felt upset as my
fellow students went and collected contact information and discussing
what they were going to apply for as I sat back and thought deeply
about if I could really give it my all, and this led me onto asking
the same questions about my future careers. Right now, I'd have to
say the answer is no, but can anybody? Just because I couldn't give a
job my all, doesn't mean to say I couldn't give it a lot! So again,
I'll just be patient and see what the future brings.
Right now, my immediate plans are to finsih my third year of uni and hopefully come away with a decent qualification. In a way, there a little less pressure compared to some of the students who have no choice but to find a job at the end of this. I would really like to take a year out at the end of next year and really take some time to regenerate and relax, I honestly havn't stopped for four years now, and I really need to give my mind and body time to recover.
Right now, my immediate plans are to finsih my third year of uni and hopefully come away with a decent qualification. In a way, there a little less pressure compared to some of the students who have no choice but to find a job at the end of this. I would really like to take a year out at the end of next year and really take some time to regenerate and relax, I honestly havn't stopped for four years now, and I really need to give my mind and body time to recover.
terms of what I would like out of a career, well, unlike some I'm not
setting myself incredibly high goals. I've heard many people suggest
that becoming a 'T-shaped' person in terms of your abilities is the
best way to go. This basically means that a person should be an
expert in a specific area, but also have a more simpler, broader
range of skills in many others so that any new tasks a company may
need completing could easily be picked up by that person. In a way
the Game Art and Design course gives us the best opportunity to do
this, to me, the most important thing I've learnt from the course is
that with the quick turn around of new technology and new software,
the ability to pick things up quickly and use them well is crucial.
What I've really wanted to do since meeting Mitch Small is work for Codemasters in their race game devision. As mentioned, I'm confident in my artistic skills but I have no real wishes to become a concept artist, funnily enough, what I'd really like to do, despite what can be mind numbingly repetetive at times, is a general 3D artist, and with my huge passion for motorsport in general I think doing something game related and motorsport related I could really make a massive contribution as I am so passionate about both. Knowing that this is something I'd like to do also gives me an advantage, as I can now research and work more specifically towards this role without forgetting about learning new things, and maybe become a 'T-Shaped' person?
What I've really wanted to do since meeting Mitch Small is work for Codemasters in their race game devision. As mentioned, I'm confident in my artistic skills but I have no real wishes to become a concept artist, funnily enough, what I'd really like to do, despite what can be mind numbingly repetetive at times, is a general 3D artist, and with my huge passion for motorsport in general I think doing something game related and motorsport related I could really make a massive contribution as I am so passionate about both. Knowing that this is something I'd like to do also gives me an advantage, as I can now research and work more specifically towards this role without forgetting about learning new things, and maybe become a 'T-Shaped' person?
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